I am a follower of Christ, wife to the most wonderful husband, and mother to 3 beautiful children. I struggle like many to find balance in my life with all of the demands pulling me in so many directions but strive hard to do my best eveyrday. Though I at times let life get in the way my daily goal is to chase hard after Christ in all I do, love my husband as Christ has called me too, and raise my children in a home where Christ is evident always. I have moments on mountian tops and moments in the valley, but through it all I strive see Christ in the midst. I don't always succeed and find myself on my knees at times asking for forgiveness for allowing the distractions of life get in the way and am so thankful for a God who forgives me everytime and loves me messiness and all. May I exalt him in all I do and teach my children the same. This journey of life is filled with more joy than I ever could ask for along with trials that I often didn't see coming, through it all may I rejoice and always remember I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A little laugh

Last night Josiah was practicing walking with his new toy walker. After a semi succefull trip across our living room I though I would try and record him so Ron could see the progress he is making. Here is the result of his walking attempt and my catching it on tape. Please know that he was fine and tried agian this morning and did great. I'm thinking I should send this to Americas Funniest Home Videos : )

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