I am a follower of Christ, wife to the most wonderful husband, and mother to 3 beautiful children. I struggle like many to find balance in my life with all of the demands pulling me in so many directions but strive hard to do my best eveyrday. Though I at times let life get in the way my daily goal is to chase hard after Christ in all I do, love my husband as Christ has called me too, and raise my children in a home where Christ is evident always. I have moments on mountian tops and moments in the valley, but through it all I strive see Christ in the midst. I don't always succeed and find myself on my knees at times asking for forgiveness for allowing the distractions of life get in the way and am so thankful for a God who forgives me everytime and loves me messiness and all. May I exalt him in all I do and teach my children the same. This journey of life is filled with more joy than I ever could ask for along with trials that I often didn't see coming, through it all may I rejoice and always remember I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tonight sitting in a quiet house I decided to go ahead and update my blog for the first time in quite a while. Things in our home have been busy the past month and a half which is part of the reason for my lack of posts lately. Our sweet little Ziah James had been dealing with ear infections since February and will finally be getting tubes placed in on May 4th. I have felt so helpless as his mom watching him suffer painful cranky days and long sleepless nights knowing that all of the snuggles in the world cannot take away his pain, yet I press on doing on all that I can to help keep him comfortable until we get his little ears taken care of. On top of his ears he had surgery a couple weeks ago to have his tear ducts opened up which thankfully worked and has made a huge difference. Despite the illness my little boy is growing and developing everyday. He has a sweet and curious personality and enjoys getting into everything. He has learned to say ma ma, dad da, cat, quack quack, clap clap, and our favorite na na na na na Bat Man (it always makes me laugh). He is also learnign to walk and has taken several steps on his own. It is so wonderful to watch his little personality shine through more everyday. Little John John is still our sweet silly boy. He has a smile that can brighten any day and is always our willing helper. He always has something on his mind and it is so fun to look into his sweet eyes and see the wheels turning in that head of his. He is always up to something and will keep you guessing what he is going to get into next. He definately keeps this mama on her toes. Mosre recently he has really been developing his speech and now speaks in full senteces expressing all sorts of thoughts and ideas. It is so fun to see him be able to verbally express what is going on in his head. Then their is our sweet Bekah Jean. Her birthday is next week and she is going to be 4 years old. We had her family party last week and she had so much fun spending time with her Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and Cousins and they all spoiled her rotten. She is having her first birthday party with friends this week and she is so excited. Celebrating her birthday and looking back to how much she has grown in the past four years just makes me feel so proud and blessed to be her mom. She is turning into such a tiuny helper these days and her heart shines brighter every day. I cant halpe but smile eveyrtime she offers to help or protect her brothers. Though things have definately been chaotic lately I can't help but stop and remember this Good Friday how blessed I truely am. Most importantly blessed to have a Lord and Savior who was willing to hang on a cross and die so that I a lowely sinner could live with him forever someday. Then blessed by the privledege to be the wife to the most wonderful man and mother to three angels and even beyond that blessed with a home and the abiltity to provide for the needs and even wants of my family. The list goes on and on and on, and I will strive to always keep those blessings in mind when things in life feel a little crazy. Thank you Jesus for everything!